Our village Bilga is a largest village(now town) in Punjab. It's situated near the city of Nurmahal. Nurmahal is a sub tehsil in the district Jallandhar in the Indian state of Punjab.
Bilga railway station
The nearest main road to Bilga is Phillaur-Nurmahal road which is almost 2 km from the village. We have our own Railway station(Bilga railway station).
At the 2011 census, the population of the village was 10,125 of which 5,182 were male and 4,943 female, a sex ratio of 954. There were 949 children aged 6 or under.
This village has one sarpanch who has been elected by villagers under the legislative committee of Jalandhar.
The village has Bilga general hospital which is located on the outskirts of the village.
The village is divided in 7 portions (portion of a village is known as a patti) which have their own names, these are :
- Patti Bhalaayi
- Patti Duniya Mansoor
- Patti Bhoja
- Patti Mahena
- Patti Bagga
- Patti Bhatti
- Patti Neelowaal